Sunday, June 27, 2021


 TASK 8: 15/05/2021


GET OUT OF YOUR HAIR = saya tidak akan ganggu awak lagi


- She told her brother to lend her a comic, and she would get out of his hair. 

- Please tell me where you put the ketchup and I will get out of your hair.

- My daughter told her sister that she will get out of her hair if her sister makes her a cup of Milo.

- She just wishes that everyone just get out of her hair so she can sleep more.

- Her mother told her to finished up her homework, and she would get out of her hair.


- kalau orang tu 1 (except you and I), verb dia kena ada 's'.    

He stays, 

she drives, 

the boy runs

he pays the rent

he/she/it/the man/the lady + rents

- Kata sifat ada sengkang / dash -

My nine-year-old daughter ...

I went for a two-week course ...


TASK 7 - 14/05/2021

AMONG =   nak menyatakan perhubungan di antara beberapa benda/orang (lebih dari dua).

BETWEEN = nak menyatakan perhubungan di antara dua benda/orang. 

REMINDER:  Kalau nak guna BETWEEN, biasanya kita mesti juga guna perkataan AND.  BETWEEN….AND



- Let’s divide this pizza AMONG the four of us. 

- AMONG the books, I love Robinson Crusoe the most. 

- AMONG all the foreign languages she's learning so far, she could only speak English fluently.


- BETWEEN Anna and Rosie, she loves hanging out with Anna more.

- There is a small shop located BETWEEN the grocery and the Chinese restaurant.

- BETWEEN Harry Potter books and Percy Jackson books, she cannot decide which one to read first.


- Bila guna prefer ,Tak perlu guna 'more' sebab 'prefer' tu already means you like something more than the other

- Children dah bermaksud ramai anak ya so tak payah letak 's' dah di belakangnya

- I use current issue bukan current issues sebab hari ni kita belajar Dan membincangkan 1 isu sahaja, iaitu perbezaan di antara among dan between

- Ada perkataan yg hujungnya  -ed bukan Past Tense ya tetapi adjectives (kata sifat) yg menghuraikan sifat Dan perangai manusia.


She is confused 

They are tired

We are excited 

Perkataan2 -ed di atas bukan Past Tense tetapi Kata Sifat (adjective)

- She + action verb with s:

She likes...

She hates...

She cooks...

She prefers..

- Among ..., I like ... the most.

- Between ... and ..., ... is/are ... than .... 

- Between ... and ... } ada 2 pilihan, jadi plural form

D6: My Hari Raya

Task 6 13/05/2021

Making sentences:

1. My Hari Raya is…..

2.My Raya clothes are…..

3.My Raya food is….

4.My Raya wish is….


1.My Hari Raya is a very simple one this year, as it was last year.

2.My Raya clothes are green Kebaya.

3.My Raya food is rendang and lemang, as usual.

4.My Raya wish is to have all my family members around me on this special day.

1. My Hari Raya is always a hectic agenda as a lot of foods need to be prepared.

2. My Raya clothes are blue in colour.

3. My Raya food is sate, lemang, kuah kacang and beef in soy sauce.

4. My Raya wish is for anyone to give me duit raya 😜.

Grammar Points:

- baju raya biasanya satu je, kenapa pakai 'are'? 

==> Clothes ada baju Dan kain /seluar

- clothes ada singular or plural form tak?

==> clothes mesti melibatkan pakaian. Kalau cloth melibatkan sehelai fabrik dan digunakan utk pelbagai tujuan

- Makanan biasanya banyak jenis, kenapa tak pakai foods are?

==> Foods merujuk kepada berjenis2 makanan; lemang dan rendang makan sekali so dikira food


 12th May 2021

DOES, DOESN’T, DO dan DON’T ni kita gunakan untuk Present sentences. (ayat2 yang merujuk kepada masa kini/keadaan semasa)

1.A. Kita gunakan DOES kalau di depan ayat tu He, She, It dan Orang perseorangan, atau 1 benda atau konsep merujuk kepada apa yang kita buat hari2 atau hari ini

Cth:  She DOES her cleaning every morning.

1.B.   Kadang2 kita gunakan DOES dengan Kata kerja lain untuk menunjukkan penekanan/emphasis

Cth:  The maid DOES WASH the bed sheets.  

2.A. Kita gunakan DO kalau di depan ayat tu They, We, I, You dan ramai orang atau banyak benda/konsep merujuk kepada apa kita buat hari2 atau hari ini.

Cth:  I DO my work in the library. 

2.2.B. Kadang2 kita gunakan DO dengan Kata kerja lain untuk menunjukkan penekanan/emphasis

Cth:  We DO WRITE the essay ourselves. 

Kalau ayat tu negatif, ada perkataan NOT, kita gunakan formula yang sama tapi gunakan perkataan DOESN’T dan DON’T, dan Kata Kerja selepasnya dalam bentuk asal ROOT VERB.  

3. She DOESN’T like her new maid.   (bukan ‘doesn’t likes, )

4.We DON’T want to travel.  (bukan doesn’t wants..)


DOES (a):

My sister DOES her housework after she comes home from the office.

Intan DOES her assignments after finishing the Eid preparation.

She DOES her sewing at 9.00 am to 12.00 pm everyday.

DOES (b):

My sister DOES contact me today. 

The tailor DOES SEW the baju kurung for my daughter.

DO (a):

My cousin and her son DO their exercise by the lake.

I DO my task at home during MCO.

DO (b):

We DO TRY to eat less. 

I DO TYPE my paperwork for online meeting tomorrow.


He DOESN’T eat wheat bread. The boy DOESN'T want to listen to her mum's advice.


All my students DON’T bring their workbook today. 

We DON'T want to go anyway during Aidilfitri as we want to help flatten the curve.

I DON'T like the chocolate cake because it's too sweet.


- Why + don't / doesn't / didn't + subject (orang atau benda)

- Do has 2 meaning:

(1) does / do as auxiliary verb

(2) do = buat / laku

so we can use 'doesn't do' or 'don't do'

- for sentence with 'since', we use 'has been doing'

- cannot use 'And' at the beginning of sentence in formal writing.

- will be created = akan dicipta (pasif); will be over = akan tamat (bukan pasif)

Note: auxiliary verb = 

  1. a verb used in forming the tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs. The primary auxiliary verbs in English are bedo, and have ; the modal auxiliaries are cancouldmaymightmustshallshouldwill, and would.

Friday, June 4, 2021

D4: Vocabulary "Awesome"

 11th May 2021


1. Make a sentence using AWESOME.

2.Repeat the same sentence using 1 word from the graphics

3.Repeat the same sentence using another word from the graphics. 

REMINDER:   Some words above may not be appropriate for EVERYTHING that is awesome ok.  For example, it is not suitable to use the word ‘stunning’ or ‘majestic’ for food, etc. So it is important to study the meanings of the words as well. 


The new house looks AWESOME. 

The new house looks STUNNING.

 The new house looks BREATHTAKING. 

The food is awesome- I enjoy it.

The food is FANTASTIC- I enjoy it.

The food is IMPRESSIVE- I enjoy it.

The Canterbury Plains' view is majestic.

The Canterbury Plains' view is breathtaking.

The Canterbury Plains' view is stunning.

The novel was totally awesome!

The novel was totally mind-blowing!

The novel was totally thrilling!

She is an awesome teacher.

She is an awe-inspiring teacher.

She is an impressive teacher.

Grammar Points:

- DOES & DOESN'T is verb to be, so after DOES or DOESN'T, any verb following must be in original form (ROOT VERB), no 's', '' etc

Doesn't she look ...✔️

Doesn't go ✔️  not doesn't goes 

Doesn't leave ✔️  not doesn't leaving 

She doesn't want the cake ✔️  not 'doesn't wants' 

kalau depan ayat tu ada 'he/she/it, 1 orang/benda/konsep/haiwan, kata kerja selepasnya mesti ada 's' - kalau nak guna Present Tense. 

She looks awesome TODAY  (PRESENT TENSE)

The boy PLAYS futsal today.

- Check which subject is the focus in the sentence:

Their performance is awesome. ['Performance' is the sentence focus, not 'their']

Their SHOW IS at 9 pm

Their BOOK is torn.

- Kalau kita gunakan objek dalam ayat (benda)... that is Kata Nama Am macam 'picture' tu, kita kena ada a/an/the.

She looks awesome in the picture today.

She wants to see THE movie.

She WALKS to THE pharmacy.

- add an for words that start with sound of 'a,e,i,o,u'  

an Awesome party, an Interesting day, an Energetic athlete...

set up is Noun, need to add hyphen: 

The set-up in this area...

- Nama Khas mesti mula dengan huruf besar: Baju Melayu, Hari Raya

Worn = dipakai. Wore memakai

The shirt worn by my brother is too big.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


10th May 2021

ITS versus IT'S

 - ITS menunjukkan KEPUNYAAN.  Sesuatu/seseorang yang menjadi kepunyaan kepada SESUATU BENDA/OBJEK.  

tips:   Pikir satu benda, dan apa yang menjadi kepunyaan benda tu kita gunakan its.

The cat is mine and ITS kittens are very cute. (anak kucing kepunyaan kucing itu)

I watched a movie and its director is Christopher Nolan.

I watch a very interesting program on tv but its script is bad. (the script BELONGS to the movie)

- IT’S = ‘IT IS’ (keadaan sesuatu).    

IT’S hot today and I am very thirsty. 

Sentence samples:


- The car is nice and ITS key is on my desk. (its key = kunci kereta)

- She gave me a book and ITS cover is very beautiful. (its cover = kulit buku)

- That computer was broken and ITS charger is inside my drawer.

-  This house is for sale. You may contact ITS owner if you wish to buy it.

- The camera is expensive and ITS image is marvelous.

- Siti has a cat, its name is Johny.  

- Our school library is small yet its selection of books varies


- The dress is mine and IT’S quite expensive. 

- IT’S a very interesting show. 

- The BSH cat is cute but IT'S slightly expensive.

-  IT'S hot and sunny this morning

-  IT'S a funny movie and I can't stop watching it.

- Mummy bakes a cake and it's yummy!

- It's going to rain so you'd better bring an umbrella.

Grammar points:

- SHE GIVES (kalau she, he it, verb dia mesti ada 's' untuk Present tense)

She gives me a blouse...

The school needs to...

- May Allah BLESS you all... lepas 'May'  kita gunakan verb dalam bentuk asal

- We always say it belongs ✔️  not its belong ❌

- a lot of work OR lots of work 

- kalau you mean 'glasses' kena ada 's' ya.. spectacles.

- bila gunakan objek like 'new dress' mesti ada a/the ya... in which case is I bought a new dress...

- you'd = you should; we'd = we should

It's going to rain soon, so we'd better stay indoor.

It's going to rain so you'd better bring an umbrella.

shine vs shiny

Shine tu kata kerja.    Verb.   The stars shine so gloriously tonight.

Shiny tu kata sifat. Adjective. The shoes are so shiny.



9th May 2021

It's speaking day, so not much grammar point.

Grammar Points:


Ada bentuk biasa mcm thin,clear,etc Ada hujung bentuk -ed mcm excited, tired, ada hujung bentuk -ing, mcm exciting,appetizing,tiring etc

Appetizing ni Adjective bukan verb -ing

The soup looks appetizing (appetizing as Adjective )

Appetizing tak boleh jadi present tense sebab dia bukan Verb 


Miss for an unmarried lady,   Ms if you don't know she is married or not. Sama sebutan, berbeza dalam penulisan.

Mdm / Mrs for married lady.

Monday, May 17, 2021


 First formal class with Mdm Aslinda via Whatsapp Group on 8th May 2021. 

Day 1 is self-introduction day.

Grammar Points:

- 'also' after 'am': I am also a betta fish breeder.

- "I am a caregiver to my Mom, a stroke person" or "I am a caregiver to my mom who is a stroke patient"

*Additional note:  

If you can replace the word with “he”' or “'she,” use whoWho should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence.

If you can replace it with “him” or “her,” use whom Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.

- include "a/an" when talking about someone or for who we are: I am a babysitter; I am a businessman; I am an engineer.

- setiap ayat ada kata kerja: "I am a student in Form 1" ==> in this sentence, 'am' is verb (kata kerja)

- 'an' before word that start with vowel (a, e, i, o, u)

- a or an before H is depends on the way we pronounce the word. Sometimes it's pronunciation-influenced rather than grammar-influenced

- house is a specific building, so we say "tidying the house"

- working IN school

- "I am an introvert and I love reading" [one is adjective, another is verb, thus both need I]

- ayat gabungan yang sama bentuk, boleh buang "a" for second & third person:

I am a salesperson, I am a wife, I am a mother ➡️ I am a sales persons, a wife and mother to my lovely son.

- most verb have ~ing: listening to radio; i like swimming; i like sketching

- I am staying at...: after am, verb~ing

- when stating hobby reading novels, must be plural form as we read a lot of novels, not just 1

- plural form: various odd jobs; foreign languages

- careful when using 'pet' as verb. Some animal like fish, we cannot pat them, so we can't pet fish (as verb). 

1) I pet cat and fish

2) I have a cat and a fish as pets ✔️

- lepas due to mesti guna kumpulan kata nama, jadi boleh guna bacause atau as sebagai ganti:

"I want to improve my English Language as my current portfolio requires me to deal with foreign people".

- 'Even though' and 'but' cannot be in one sentence:

"Even though my English writing is not excellent, I always read novels to improve my English"

- everyday = harian; every day = setiap hari

1) She wears her everyday clothes to the important function.

2) She walks to her office every day.

Note: this * additional note is from my own Google search 😅

Sunday, March 21, 2021

D2 Mandarin: Studying Chinese

ChineseClass101 Absolute Beginners Season 1 Lesson 4

Nǐ shì xuéshēng ma?
Are you a student?

Duì. Wǒ xué Zhōngwén. Nǐ ne?
Yes, I study Chinese. How about you?

Wǒ shì lǎoshī.

Nǐ kěyǐ jiāo wǒ Zhōngwén!
You can teach me Chinese!

Sample sentences

Tā shì dàxué xuéshēng.
She is a university student.

Nǐ zài xué shénme?
You in study what? ➡️ What are you studying?

Zhāng lǎoshī hěn máng.
Teacher Zhang is very busy.

Wǒ jiāo Zhōngwén.
I teach Chinese.

Duì, wǒ shì Měiguórén.
Yes, I am American.

Wǒ bù xué Zhōngwén.
I don't study Chinese.

Nǐ kěyǐ jiào wǒ Lìly.
You can call me Lili.

Hanzi note:

叫 = jiào = call
较 = jiāo = to teach

是 = shì = to be
师 = shī = teacher/master

学 = to study
学生 = xuéshēng = student
大学 = dàxué = lit: big study = university

Extra Note:

中文 = Zhōngwen = lit: Chinese text; but use to refer both spoken & written form of language. All different dialects are Zhōngwen, while commonly refer to Mandarin.

普通话 = Pǔtōnghua = lit: the common language = official language of Mainland China.

*If you want to compare langguage, for example with English or Japanese, use Zhōngwen.
* If use to compare dialects like Cantonese, use Pǔtōnghua.

汉语 = Hànyu = lit: Han language = Mandarin. 
Hànyu & Pǔtōnghua is pretty much the same, but Pǔtōnghua is more standard & better pronounce than Hànyu.

国语 = guó yǔ = lit: national language. 
Guó yǔ and pǔ tōng huà are also essentially the same. guó yǔ is used by Taiwan and sometimes Hong Kong to refer to Mandarin.

huá yǔ (华语) / huá wén (华文)
These two terms also refer to standard Mandarin but are used in Southeast Asia, particularly in Singapore and Malaysia. Both countries have adopted Mainland China’s pǔ tōng huà (普通话) along with simplified characters rather than traditional. huá yǔ (华语) / huá wén (华文) refer exclusively to spoken and written language.

Other dialects language name:
Hokkien 福建话 (Fújiàn Huà) 
Cantonese 广东话 (Guǎngdōng huà) 
Teochew 潮州話 (Cháozhōu huà) 
Hakka 客家话 (Kèjiā Huà) 
Hainanese 海南语 (Hǎinán Yǔ)
*Note that the huà character here is different than huá in huáyu character.


D2 Mandarin: Like Chinese food?

ChineseClass101: Absolute Beginners Season 1 Lesson 3

Nǐ xǐhuān Zhōngguó ma?
Do you like China?


Nǐ xǐhuān Zhōngguó cài ma?
Do you like China food?

Yě xǐhuān
Also like

Vocabulary Phase

中国 = Zhōngguó = China
中国人 = Zhōngguó rén = Chinese person
中国菜 = Zhōngguó cài = Chinese food


Yes or No question: Add 吗 (ma) at the end of the sentence.
To answer, repeat the verb from question, e.g: xǐhuān.

To give negative answer, use 不 (bù). Example: 不喜欢 (bù xǐhuān)

也 (yě) = too / also

Sample sentences

Zhōngguó cài hěn hǎochī.
Chinese food is delicious.

Kāfēi yě hǎo.
Coffee is good too.

Nǐ qù guò Zhōngguó ma?
Have you been to China before?

Nǐ shì Jiānádàrén ma?
Are you Canadian?

Tā yě shì Àodàlìyà rén.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Day 1 Absolute Beginner Mandarin

 Today lesson consist of:

• ChineseClass101 Absolute Beginner S1L1


Nǐhǎo, nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?

Hello, you called what name?

➡️ Hello, what is your name?


Wǒ jiào...

I'm called...

我 = wǒ = I

我们 = wǒmen = we, us

你 = nǐ = you

您 = nín = you (formal)

你们 = nǐmen = you (plural)

他 = tā = he, him

她 = tā = she, her

它 = tā = it

他们 / 她们 = tāmen = they, them

好 = hǎo = good

Sample sentences


Shì nǐ ma?

Is it you?


Nǐ shuō shénme?

You say what? ➡️ What did you say?


Wǒ wàngji tāde míngzì.

I forget his name.


Wǒ de péngyǒu hěn shuài.

☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦.  .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆

• ChineseClass101 Absolute Beginner S1L12


Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?

You is which country person? ➡️ Which country are you from?


Wǒ shì Měiguórén. Nǐ ne?

I am American. And you?

Word order: subject + verb + object

呢 = to form follow up question. Example: Ni ne?, Tāmen ne?.

哪 = na / něi = which

国 = country, state (add this to country / state name)

Country name + 人 (ren / person) = citizenship

Sample sentences


Tā shì wǒ gēge.

He is my older brother.


Zhè shì shénme guójiā?

This is what county? ➡️ What county is this?


Zhōngguóren hěnduō.

There are many Chinese people.


Tāmen dōu shì Zhōngguóren.

They are all Chinese people.


Wǒ yinggāi yòng nǎ bǎ yàoshi?

I should use which key? ➡️ Which key should I use?