Thursday, May 20, 2021


10th May 2021

ITS versus IT'S

 - ITS menunjukkan KEPUNYAAN.  Sesuatu/seseorang yang menjadi kepunyaan kepada SESUATU BENDA/OBJEK.  

tips:   Pikir satu benda, dan apa yang menjadi kepunyaan benda tu kita gunakan its.

The cat is mine and ITS kittens are very cute. (anak kucing kepunyaan kucing itu)

I watched a movie and its director is Christopher Nolan.

I watch a very interesting program on tv but its script is bad. (the script BELONGS to the movie)

- IT’S = ‘IT IS’ (keadaan sesuatu).    

IT’S hot today and I am very thirsty. 

Sentence samples:


- The car is nice and ITS key is on my desk. (its key = kunci kereta)

- She gave me a book and ITS cover is very beautiful. (its cover = kulit buku)

- That computer was broken and ITS charger is inside my drawer.

-  This house is for sale. You may contact ITS owner if you wish to buy it.

- The camera is expensive and ITS image is marvelous.

- Siti has a cat, its name is Johny.  

- Our school library is small yet its selection of books varies


- The dress is mine and IT’S quite expensive. 

- IT’S a very interesting show. 

- The BSH cat is cute but IT'S slightly expensive.

-  IT'S hot and sunny this morning

-  IT'S a funny movie and I can't stop watching it.

- Mummy bakes a cake and it's yummy!

- It's going to rain so you'd better bring an umbrella.

Grammar points:

- SHE GIVES (kalau she, he it, verb dia mesti ada 's' untuk Present tense)

She gives me a blouse...

The school needs to...

- May Allah BLESS you all... lepas 'May'  kita gunakan verb dalam bentuk asal

- We always say it belongs ✔️  not its belong ❌

- a lot of work OR lots of work 

- kalau you mean 'glasses' kena ada 's' ya.. spectacles.

- bila gunakan objek like 'new dress' mesti ada a/the ya... in which case is I bought a new dress...

- you'd = you should; we'd = we should

It's going to rain soon, so we'd better stay indoor.

It's going to rain so you'd better bring an umbrella.

shine vs shiny

Shine tu kata kerja.    Verb.   The stars shine so gloriously tonight.

Shiny tu kata sifat. Adjective. The shoes are so shiny.

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