Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 12 [Monday, 22/06/2015]: Deutsch & Hangul

Day 12: Monday, 22 Jun 2015. 5th day of Ramadan.


random talk & translate using google:

Deutsch = german language
Deutsche = German people
Deutschland = Germany (country)

Hallo = hello
alle = all
Wie gehts? = How are you?
Mir geht es gut = I am good / doing well.
Und dir? = and you?
auch gut = good as well
vielen dank = thank you
guten tag = Good day
grüß gott! = Good day [Austrian greeting]
moin = hello
moin moin = good morning
auf wiedersehen = goodbye
einfach klasse = just great
entschuldigung = Excuse me
tut mir leid = I am sorry
kein problem = no problem
sehr nett = very nice
sehr = very

gut = good
weil es gibt keine = because there is no...
es is immer = it is always...
ich glaube so = i think / believe so
es ist richtig = that's right
wir lernen zusammen = we are learning together

haben sie schon gefrühstückt = Have you had breakfast
frühstückt = breakfast
mittaessen = lunch
abendessen = dinner

"hast du schon gefrühstückt?"
- GE is past tense. So to say something in the past, conjugate the word with GE.

ich liebe = i like
sommer = summer
Der Herbst = the autumn
die schönste = the most beautiful
auch schön = also beautiful
wetter  = weather

minderheit = minority
aus = from
überall = all over
wo bist du? = where are you?

hauptbahnof = Central Station
flughafen = airport
datum = date
preis = price
uhrzeit = time
kinder = children
mann = man
das auto = kereta
postkarte = postcard
kompilkated = complicated
schlafen = sleeping

careful with umlaut:
schon = until / already
schön = cantik

careful with spelling:
bis = to
bist = are

3 genders:
Der = masculin
Die = feminine
Das = natural

Aus = from / of / off /out of / over
bei = at / in / with / during / by / upon / near / among
mit = with / by / at / in / including / starring
nach = after / to / after /by / for / towards
seit = since/ for / from
von = from / of / by / about
zu = to / for / at / in / with / into / as / towards / on / off

dativ (English: dative): denoting a case of nouns and pronouns indicating an indirect object or recipient
Use mir when u want to explain about ourself. (using ich is wrong)
1) dativ ialah salah satu case dalam bahasa german, benda yang ada preposition
2) ayat biasa & normal selalu guna nominative
3) akkusativ (E: accusative): action. benda kita buat ke atas sesuatu
4) genitiv: menerangkan kepunyaan [pemalas byk guna von]
- semua cases ada effect pada gender

Deutsche Sprache ist eine schöne Sprache = German Language is a beautiful language.
Bitte finden oder google sie = Please find or google it.
Du kannst sehr gut auf Deutsch sprechen! = You can talk very well in German
Ich vermisse auch meine mama = I also miss my mama


*Finally note done 16/12/2015 at 11.19am.

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